These friends are not new, and perhaps it's not so surprising that I've heard from them all today since I've been making a concerted effort to get in touch with people I don't see or hear from often enough. But REALLY!! All of these contacts from people I can't reach out and hug are making my head and my heart whirl.
For example, what, when you get right down to it, is the difference between these friends with whom I can't sit down to share a meal, and the ever-growing parade of friends and family who have left on another level? The presence of all the people I have loved and lost remains very real to me. I miss them, I can't see them, but they're always with me, tucked away in some pocket of my heart (which I usually picture as one of those shoe-bags that hang on the back of the door...each with its dedicated spot).
At the moment Himself is in the process of transferring slides to computer images before we lose them all. Some of those go back to before we were married, but most are of our early years, the kids growing up, the wrinkles arriving, etc. And in among the children and our younger, less gray and thinner selves, are friends and family, forever frozen in time. Seeing the pictures is enough to summon the presence, the feelings, the sounds of those encounters. Another friend who took a too-early ride on a rainbow, used to exchange endless e-mails with me when I was a stay-at-home and over-aged mom trying to keep my sanity. Before I retired I printed out every e-mail (on company time!) and when I take out the notebook in which I've saved them I can hear his voice as though he were on the other end of the phone.
I am not living in the past. My memory isn't dependable enough for that. And I'm not in a big hurry to get to the other side of The Great Divide. I've still got stuff to do. Nevertheless I am feeling enormously comforted today, and very much in touch with people both here and there, wherever "there" is. We're not lost to one another. We're just not in the same place anymore. One of these days I do believe we will be. Until that happens, reach out to the people YOU don't connect with often enough. Maybe even take a quiet break for a moment with those you thought you couldn't connect with ever again. And may you feel the warmth of friendship and love, rather than the pain of loss. Feel the blessing of love shared.