When I read on the internet that people, while sleeping, swallow an average of 10 spiders in the course of a lifetime I was horrified. I didn't want to close my eyes ever again. And then Himself said, "Think about this. How did they do the research to come up with this? Did scientists stand in the corner of darkened bedrooms while people slept? And if they did, how did they see the spiders if it was dark?" I felt better. But I still felt like an idiot.
I don't lie. What you see is what you get. In the early days of parenthood there were a few arguments. I really had a problem with Santa, the Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and that crowd. I was afraid my kids wouldn't trust me when they found out. Himself thought my trolley had slipped its tracks. So when people lie to me I am generally caught off guard. Needless to say, I am having a very difficult time with the current Presidential candidates. Who ARE these people???
There are a couple for whom I think I could vote. There are some who really should be sedated until this whole thing is over. And then there are the rabid fans of the super wack-doodles who just out and out scare me. I have friends whose intelligence I've always respected who are saying very strange things. Maybe they're kidding. I hope they're kidding. But hey, what do I know? I thought ice cream came in the Diplomatic Pouch.
I love living in a country where anyone can run for President. Well, if he or she can afford it. And is over 35. And was born here. We don't go to war over who will lead us. That's a very big deal and an improvement over many countries in the world. I've lived through some pretty stinky presidencies and here we are. We've survived. Whoever gets in (and I WILL vote for someone) we will all survive. Still, I sometimes sing "Oh, Canada" just to watch the veins stand out in the necks of my more conservative friends. I said I don't lie. I never said I didn't have a mean streak.