The '60's were not a walk in the park. JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcolm X, The Vietnam War, the list goes on. But I have never been as shaken about the very soul of this country as I am today. To be told that we are not seeing what we have seen with our own eyes is crazy making. To completely ignore the Constitution and refuse to acknowledge legal procedures is infuriating. I fluctuate between sadness and anger. At the moment my anger is getting the upper hand.
How sad to learn that so many people in this land of opportunity and beauty and dreams are being squished like bugs by the multi billionaires who are morally bankrupt. And so far they don't even seem to notice. Too many people are following like lemmings off the edge of the cliff.
There are supportive things we can do to help the world feel a little kinder. Reach out to your minority friends of every persuasion, Black, Latino, whatever, gay, trans, immigrants, poor. There are agencies out there who will take your contributions to try to fill the holes that are being left in our system. It's nowhere near enough, but it's a first step. And make sure you check out the people to whom you are donating, because even at times like these, or maybe especially at times like these, there are more bad guys out there trying to profit from kind hearts, regardless of whom they hurt.
Get more involved in local politics. Volunteer to help someone in a worse spot than you find yourself in. Speak up when you hear misogyny, bigotry, or hatred of any kind. You don't need these people for friends anyway. If you speak up you may give someone else the courage to do the same. Don't buy from the bad guys....No Teslas, Amazons, Walmarts, you know the list. Hit them with the only thing they care
And don't forget to pray. That still works, not always as quickly as we would like, but don't doubt its power.
These are scary times. But they are not the end times. We won't allow this country to make the same mistakes we have seen before. Don't give in and don't give up. Speak out