I've been careful about what I'm eating, because I KNOW that could be an issue, but so far so good. Of course it isn't noon here yet. And there is a list of what I think my schedule should be. It includes creativity in the morning (writing, meditating, walking) and at least for today, being a total slug in the afternoon. I'm thinking reading and napping. Or errands maybe? There should be a handbook for this.
So much of how we view ourselves is wrapped up in what we do for a paycheck. Now there are plans for me in the not too distant future to start doing some voice over work, but right now I feel like an envelope without an address. My dear friend Jim Flanagan always told me, "Be a human BEING, not a human DOING" and he had a point. It's hard to slow down long enough for our thoughts to catch up to us. Or our souls. Sitting quietly is a lot tougher than I thought it would be.
Yesterday we had a professional family photo session. Son Number One is home from San Francisco for a few more days, so that's mixing it up. Even so I feel strange. I have to figure out from step one how my days look. Visits to friends? To the library? I don't want to go to the mall, but then I never really did. It's just too new. Furthermore, Himself is a good three years or more from retirement, so there's that "guilt thing" I feel about not just throwing myself into housework and making meals. But THAT ain't gonna happen. I want more out of this.
So watch this space and send any helpful comments or suggestions. Because for just this moment, I seem to be having a bit of trouble switching gears.