As we enter the increasingly short days and increasingly long and gloomy nights it is becoming more and more of a strain to keep my (and everyone else's) spirits from making a beeline for the center of the Earth. I have even (horrors!) begun de-cluttering my house for the first time in going on never mind how many years. It is oddly satisfying, I must admit, to watch the floor reappear in a different room each week. I've missed them so. It does get old after a while when most Saturdays are consumed with trying to fill the trash bins but it's nice to see results, and I don't have to leave the house to get that little thrill. In fact, if I leave the house there IS no little thrill because I come back to the same mess I left. You know what I mean.
I have been calming down in the past few weeks, which is very surprising to me considering the political circus and dearth of good news. There have even been faint hints of wanting to write poetry, something I haven't done in a long time. Mindfulness is becoming my mantra. Since there is no knowing what is coming down the road at us, I am trying very hard to be present in this moment. I miss people and things and experiences and adventures, but I breathe in and breathe out and give my heart a chance to speak its word. Usually that gets lost in the hubbub which is "normal life". This quiet time is not all bad. At least not for me. Not that I want it to go on for a whole lot longer, or that I don't realize how difficult and painful it has been for so many, but I am trying my best to find something in it for which to be grateful.
That said, take a breath, have a cup of tea, put up your Christmas tree if you want to amuse your neighbors, and remember that nothing, not even this virus and this year, can go on forever. Try to be mindful of the people whose spirits are lower than yours. As long as we don't all have our breakdowns on the same day, we're going to be fine.