Then there's the issue of violent video games, texting, and the internet in general. I'm such a Luddite. I drive a standard shift car and use a fountain pen when I can get my hands on one. I don't have a "smart phone", which I guess means I have a "stupid phone" but to tell you the truth, I don't care about that either as long as one of my sons gets back to me eventually (even with a text message). I am Sick.To.Death. of watching everyone going through life "plugged in", ignoring their company at restaurants, their children at the playground, and the rest of the universe on the subway. I don't care if it's a cell phone, an i Pad, or an e-book, shut them off once in a while and LOOK UP, PEOPLE! There is a WORLD out here!
But what is making me feel old at the moment (besides my creaky right knee and the twenty...OK, thirty pounds I should shed) are the current nominees for the Academy Awards. I went to see "The Wolf of Wall Street." Good God. If I had known going in what I was in for I would have worn a trench coat, a hat, and sunglasses. I never thought of myself as a prude, but come on, guys! If I wanted to watch porn I'd rent "Debbie Does Dallas" (which was funnier than I thought it would be, but then I'm remembering my 20's and there was a lot of wine involved). But REALLY? I don't care if "that's the way things are in the concrete jungle". I don't care how "accurate" it is. I couldn't wait to get out of the theater. Last night we tried "American Hustle" which looked like "Bambi" in comparison. OK, I didn't follow every plot twist, but that may have been due to the odd "nap-let" when my chin starts heading for my chest, but only for a moment. Or two.
I've resisted watching "Downton Abbey", but I'm beginning to think it's time to re-think that. Now where's my hat and my cup of Earl Grey?