I have been told "Well, I for one, refuse to live in fear!" as if that were something to be very proud of. I don't live in fear. I live in science. But living in fear really isn't the worst idea when over a quarter of a million Americans are dead from COVID. Maybe we should all be living in fear. We don't seem to be capable of "living in sanity" or "living in patience". How can people still be dismissive of this virus when we as a nation have lost that many people? When the world has lost so many more?
What will it take to convince us?
I am as depressed and exhausted as anybody (except the amazing people who are actually on the front lines in the hospitals dealing with this situation, of course). As the virus gets worse and comes back harder than ever, I realize that I'll be making the same decision at Christmas as I made for Thanksgiving. It is the only rational thing to do until we get the vaccine. It's more important than your sister's birthday (or funeral, for that matter), or the wedding, or the 50th high school reunion. All of that can wait. If we get it wrong at this moment, however, there will be no more birthdays, or weddings or reunions. No grandchildren's visits. No trips to the Cape. None of it. Is it really worth it? Can we not suck it up for a few more months?
My Christmas tree, currently adorned with autumn leaves, will be up until I can celebrate with my two sons. If that's July, then I'll just clean around it for another few months (or let the dust accumulate, which is much more likely). Thanksgiving will be a quiet day to give thanks, not make the shopping list for the next morning's shopping frenzy. Christmas will be a quiet time to think about the birth of Jesus. Or if you're not Christian, or even if you're an atheist, to think about what actually matters in your life. It seems none of us spend enough time doing that.
Wear the masks. Double them up when you're at the supermarket. And if you decide to gather with your family or friends on these days, I won't judge you. Really. But I will worry. And so should you.