It would have been nice to read a book, but I'm actually spending so much time in the house that the dust bunnies (OK, dust dragons) have begun whispering to me. This is an interesting turn of events! If I stay stuck in here for as long as they are predicting I could eventually (I hope) invite people over for dinner! Having this much time at home with no "escapes", i.e. movies, or restaurants, or visits with friends, is bringing out a domesticity I have never suspected lurked within me. It started with my beautiful new fireplace which was finished two days after I started working from home and one day before life as we know it changed on this planet. It used to be a blah yellow brick thing with a thin white marble mantel. Now it's all rough-hewn wood and rounded stones, with a decidedly "Snow White" vibe. I smile at it when I come through the door. This is so not me.
That's one more positive thing I will notice about this enforced isolation. Facets of my personality I either never knew I had, or which have evolved on their own when I wasn't looking, are showing up. I don't believe I have turned into a "wisdom figure", but I've begun faking it, which apparently is bringing some people comfort, so that's almost as good. In fact, all this baffles me as much as it does everyone else. There's no telling when this will end. There's no telling who will be a victim. There's no telling if this period of solitude will change people for the better or the worse. The only certainty is that there will be a change when this is over, because we're all in our cocoons right now. I'm planning on coming out a butterfly, myself, but I wouldn't be surprised by a certain number of grumpy caterpillars who refused to evolve. Well, we shall see.