I am finding it very interesting getting used to dealing with my sons as adults. One of the best parts is I can go back to swearing while I'm driving (I know, I know, but as Mark Twain said, "There is a relief in profanity that is denied even to prayer!"), and we get the same jokes. OK. Sometimes he has to explain them to me, but you know what I mean. Nothing gives me a greater understanding of the passage of time or the natural flow of life than watching my sons turn into the kind of people the planet needs. I have decided that caring hearts are more important than large bankrolls. There is so little that we actually need, especially in this country. But to teach compassion to the next generation is critical to the survival of all the good things we cherish. All the fancy gadgets in the universe don't give joy. That only comes from feeling that we really matter to someone else.
I can't wait until Thanksgiving when both boys are home. My heart is full at the thought of it.