There is something poignant about autumn. The trees are tired of being green and are getting ready to put on their big show before November strips them bare. And to tell the truth, I think I'm tired of them, too. I'm ready for something different. Still, I am not altogether happy about the fact that the boys have another summer under their belts, that my mother is that much frailer, that my hair is that much grayer (or "silver" as my younger son, the diplomat calls it) or that so many of my friends have joined what I euphemistically call "the advance team". I'm missing people and times gone by. For some reason many of my friends have decided to take their leave of The Big Blue Marble during the month of September. Then there's 9/11 to think about. All in all, it's becoming one of my least favorite months.
I'm listening to Thomas Moore's "Dark Night of the Soul" in the car these days. There are some interesting observations about the positive aspects of dwelling on "the dark side" and most of them involve personal growth, which I believe happens far more often during times of sorrow than joy. I don't want to become a permanent citizen here, though. I'm already planning my escape from the doldrums. I think I'll start by planting a sea of daffodils for the spring. But first I'm buying myself a new notebook.