As for the self congratulatory excesses of the Academy Awards program itself, I've had enough of that as I have of snow this winter. Beauty pageants, Golden Globes, People's Choice, Oscars, Grammies, they are all much of a muchness to me. The only thing I find interesting are the dresses which I can easily view online the next day in about 30 minutes instead of staying up way past my bedtime and feeling lousy all the next day. The glamorous event seems to bring out a decidedly nasty side of the critics which I do not enjoy at all. So I shall be watching "counter programming" tonight. It fascinates me what the other networks find in their deep dark vaults that they choose to "throw away" against blockbuster programming. Or maybe I'll watch a "Love it or Lease" it on Netflix and be inspired to redecorate my house. Most likely, I'll fall asleep on my end of the reclining sofa while Himself sleeps on his, and around 11 o'clock we will nod at each other and drag our weary selves upstairs to get ready for another week. And by the time I get to work I'll know who wore what and who won what and if I meet you at the water cooler I'll be so informed that you won't know I'm faking it. The only thing that might give me away (outside of this blog) is that I won't be bleary-eyed with fatigue. But hey, have a great evening! :)