There are garlands of silk leaves, and pumpkins to put away. There are evergreens and tinsel to be hauled out of the attic. In between those two things is rather more cleaning thank I care to think about before my third cup of tea. To top things off, I'm singing at a funeral (no one I know...I'm just a gun for hire) in less than two hours. I sang carols for four hours in the rain on Saturday and my voice is showing it, so I'm hoping no one wants "Ave Maria" or anything too challenging. I'm a little nervous about singing at a funeral so soon after my mother's. I encase myself in the "emotional bubble", which serves as a shield at times like this. The bubble also comes in handy when I know I'm going to be around people who annoy me. I picture snide remarks and digs just bouncing off my shield and hitting the floor. Sometimes it's kind wishes I need to deflect, but it works well either way. It only lasts for so long, though, so I hope it's a short service.
Before all that, though, it's time for a shower, a quiet moment of prayer, and most important, EAR PLUGS!