Christmas shoppers are likely having fits at the inconvenience, but I am perfectly happy to sit here at nearly ten in the morning and contemplate what kind of eggs I feel like making. There will be a fire in the fireplace soon because on most days we are never home to enjoy it. Today Mother Nature has decreed that it really is time to do the decorating and list making and cocoa sipping. No one is expecting me anywhere until four this afternoon when I will face the throngs at the mall, but as a salesperson, not a shopper. My shopping is far from done, but I'll figure it out later.
Meanwhile, the wooden nativity set is on the mantle, and the stockings are hung. The garlands are at least as far as the living room (although they are still in trash bags) and somewhere in here I just KNOW there is a vacuum cleaner head. If not, I'll get the broom and worry about that later. The coffee is perking in the kitchen, Himself gave me a good morning kiss to curl my toes, and my heart is getting ready to welcome the boys home this week.
Word came yesterday of the health problems of some very dear friends. Monday will mean a trip to visit the hospital instead of to the store to buy what nobody needs. People are what matter, and not just at Christmas. My friends are all amazing, and I refer to them as my "F.B.C." or "Family By Choice". Sometimes it takes a snowy day, some enforced "down time", and a bit of scary news to remind me of that. I raise my cup of cocoa to you all. Blessings on you!