He was in a tournament with his college a while ago, and casually mentioned that they had gone to Notre Dame for the match or meet or game or whatever they call them. Himself commented, "This is the first time one of my kids has been to a state I have never set a foot in!" My reaction was a little different. I felt the distance. I remember worrying about school bus trips when he was little. Now he's fighting people with epees and sabers and he forgets to mention it. While Son Number One sends pictures of huge rugby players about to pummel him, Son Number Two could have a great future with the CIA. This guy tells me NOTHING. King of the one word answer and the secret smile, he plays his cards very close to his vest. He is totally charming, frighteningly bright, and quirky as all heck. If he got a 58% on his chemistry final, he figured, he would still get an A for the course. He is also very handsome and has a smile that Crest should be paying huge bucks to feature, but it's hard to tell that from the above picture.
He has grown so much this first year in college, and not just in height. I have never seen his school, although Himself took him and his friend there on the great "Junior Year Fact Gathering Mission", so I just put him on a plane and give him a kiss as he wanders back and forth across the country.
Every time he flies there is a snowstorm, or he's ill, or there is some sort of drama. I actually heard there will be a solar eclipse this Friday, so I know he's on his way. This fascinating young man we somehow brought into being is destined for great things, and I am humbled at how much smarter and kinder and wiser he is than I was at that age, or now. And I can't wait to see what happens next.