We have not lost power, we have lots of food in the house, the heat is on, and Himself is excellent company (except when his nose is in the computer, but that's OK. We're out of things to discuss anyway.) There has never been a winter like this here. The public transportation system is an antiquated and embarrassing relic. It took me three hours to get to work on Thursday, a trip that usually can be done in 35 minutes. It's a new nightmare every day. God have mercy on the homeless or those who are low on food or heat. Even getting to a shelter is pretty much impossible at this point.
Depression is becoming a consideration. All I want to do is nap or eat, and I am feeling very trapped. Not that I have anywhere I want to go, but knowing that I don't have any options is making me claustrophobic. I assume my office will be closed again tomorrow. i can't imagine the roads being passable by then. The winds this afternoon are expected to gust up to 55 miles per hour. While some of my neighbors are already out there with their snow blowers, I can't say that I think that makes much sense with the kind of drifting that comes with winds like that.
Somewhere under there are crocuses. They're probably less than a month away, although that's a little tough to believe at the moment. People live in Canada. By choice. My brother-in-law lives in Alaska on purpose. Me? I have deep respect for and new understanding of the bears. Pig out every fall and sleep until the weather learns to behave itself. Sounds better and better to me.