Today is Himself's birthday. A kinder, gentler, saner man has never graced the earth, and I am a very lucky lady. He took the day off from his work and I took the day off from mine so we can get some errands done (Valentine's gifts for the kids, bank, post office) and he can exercise. Tonight we will go to his parents' house, make dinner, and get his mother to bed. But there may be a movie tucked in there somewhere, a lunch out, a "nap" ;) and a trip to the Mall so I can get his present, which the snow managed to keep me from doing earlier this week.
It's very revealing to be cooped up for days with one person and intermittent electricity. It either really works or it REALLY doesn't. While the cuisine was less than "haute", the company was still wonderful after all these years, and it makes one consider what constitutes a good relationship. We forgive each other for all the little stuff. I am not the world's worst housekeeper, but I am a contender. He spends more time tapping on his computer than he does with me. But we say "Thank you" a lot. For doing the dishes, for ironing clothes (yes, I still iron), for making meals. When he is home he always offers a cup of tea when he's making one for himself. He is not much of a talker, but I would (and do) trust him with my life. He is so strong he doesn't need to prove it to anyone. He is secure enough to let his friends have their own opinions without having to turn them around to the "right" side. He works hard and is generous to his family. He is an amazing role model for our sons. He is disciplined and dependable, but he still manages to surprise me every so often. And after almost twenty-two years neither of us can believe how long we've been married, because the time has flown, so I guess we're doing something right.
Now off to get a present for this most amazing man. Although I thought it was pretty cool of me to arrange for the resignation of the Pope. How on earth will I top THAT one?