This was the first birthday I was missing my Mom and several friends. There were cards in the mail, but some really significant ones were REALLY conspicuous by their absence and it hurt like hell. For some stupid reason I had forgotten to brace myself for that. Wouldn't you think I'd know how to do this by now?
As the day progressed I went out to lunch with a lovely friend whom I don't see very often and she surprised me by grabbing the check (we had promised to split it, since her birthday is not far off). I sat on the front porch reading "The Mabinogion Trilogy" when I got home, the ancient folk tales of Wales. Sounds boring, but some of that stuff gets pretty heated! And weird!
Himself bought me gorgeous red roses and was going to make a wonderful dinner, but his headache was pounding so we ordered pizza instead, then I bought myself a bottle of sherry and we watched re-runs of "The West Wing" which are all new to me. I have a dinner date from one son, and a very cool "Soft Kitty, Warm Kitty" tee shirt for those of you who know "The Big Bang Theory" from the other. And I remembered how blessed I am.
Facebook messages are too easy to be meaningful, but still over 110 people took the time to press a button and spare me a thought, which I appreciated. And many of those people are actually friends in the true sense, and how much luckier can a girl - or an old lady - be?
So here's to the next year of overcoming obstacles and reminding myself that I am lucky, lucky, lucky and being open to the next great adventure, whatever God has lined up for me. May I have the sense to recognize it for what it is: a gift.