The days are getting longer, the crocuses are up (and some gone by), the daffodils are doing their thing, and the forsythia is lovely. This is my favorite time of year. The birds, at least, are ignoring the whole Covid-19 debacle and just doing their birdie thing. There's a lot to enjoy.
The uncertainty is disconcerting, though. We've never been through anything like this. Any of us. It feels very much like being trapped in the pages of a Stephen King novel. So far we have not much to complain about. There's food, the house is warm, I have good company. It is just the weirdness of the whole situation that gnaws at me.
If we had a date when it would be over and life would resume the way it used to be, we could "pace ourselves" if you know what I mean. We'd have something to shoot for, the way we have just enough energy to get to the last day of work before a vacation, but not a day more. But we're in free fall and no one knows enough about anything to be a comfort.
Just as the last few years of being constantly angry has left us weary, we cannot continue to lead our lives in a state of panic. We have to take a step back at some point and try to relax a bit. Ironically, we have to "breathe through this" one day at a time. So I'll continue to sing in the shower, and find silly memes to share,and spend too much time on Face Book. And to practice social distancing until it's safe to stop, because this bad boy is not kidding around.