Outside of that I just continue to be amazed at how fast the summer is zooming by again. Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Christmas. That's pretty much it. I have yet to put a toe in a pool, and that must be rectified soon. We did spend four days in New York visiting dear friends. It was the closest thing to a vacation I've had in ages. I slept late every day, ate all the wrong foods, and went through two books like a hot knife through butter. As always, from the minute we arrived the boys disappeared into the "man cave" with the big TV, air hockey table, ping pong table, and questionable movies. They lay around on giant cushions in the dark for most of the day, having stayed up until zero-dark-thirty each night before. We only see them at meal times when we visit. But it's fun. They used to have a pool, which was a welcome diversion and occasionally coaxed the boys out of the cave, but that got dismantled, and it was too hot to go outside to play Frisbee or anything else. On the bright side, their dog stopped having a nervous breakdown every time we walked through the room. Himself isn't fond of dogs to begin with, and that was too much for him to take. They didn't make friends, but they both stopped growling.
That feeling of panic is just starting to set in. That "What do I want to do this summer and how will I ever fit it all in?" hysteria has just begun to sing its siren song. There's a feeling of obligation to get "out there" and "do something" while the weather is lovely. There's an urgency to have fun. The summers left when the boys will be sleeping on their own pillows are numbered, so each one has to be paid proper attention. I know what I won't be doing out there. Weeding. And please pass the calamine lotion.