I'm having a little trouble realizing that July first is this Wednesday. Here in Massachusetts we are still mentally digging out from that ridiculous winter. I know, I know, but you had to BE here!!! The speed of the passage of time is giving me whiplash. How can I be legally sharing a summer beer with my kid? How can it be less than six months before Christmas? There have been other landmark events this month, of course. There were murders in a church and the lowering of the confederate flag in South Carolina as the nation "face-palmed" itself and finally said a collective "How did we let this go on so long?" There was a Supreme Court decision that all citizens of the United States are ...well, citizens of the United States, and that love is not a terrorist threat from which we need to be protected. So all in all, it's been a busy, busy month, which is why I have been remiss in keeping you posted. And it's been a mostly wonderful month filled with lots to do. But I, for one, would like to invite you all to join me in digging your heels into the ground at the same time for just a minute. Maybe we can slow the Blue Marble down a little so we can catch our breath.