If I had avoided the scale I would have thought things were far worse than they actually are. That's symbolic of a lot of other situations in life. The worst part is facing them. It was always the weeks leading up to writing the term paper in college that were sheer agony. By the time I actually sat down to do them, they weren't that big a deal. The graduation party to which my son "accidentally" invited 150 guests (our house has one bathroom) loomed over my head like a creature from a video game I wouldn't let my boys bring into the house. And it was 103 degrees that day. But we lived through it. They didn't all come at once and we actually had a wonderful time with water balloons and squirt sticks. Thanksgiving is coming up and I have a house in desperate need of cleaning and fifteen guests coming, and we will be visiting/watching my mother-in-law in one hour shifts all day. As number two son says, "Meh!" We'll get through it. And the aromas will distract the guests from the dust dragons (who ate the bunnies long ago).
The point is, doing is actually easier than anticipating, at least for me. So this week I will resolve to have a little more faith in myself and my abilities. I will jump feet first into the long list of obligations that are hanging over my head. The lawn, the house, the job search, catching up with friends. And I've decided to set the alarm on my cell phone to go off at noon every day to remind myself to breathe and regroup and remember that "I've got this".