They say that after a certain age it's good to do crossword puzzles and whatever you call that number thingie they print in the paper on the comics page. This is a good alternative, and certainly challenging, but I could go into full-blown panic mode without traveling very far. Then I remember what it's like to hear laughter, or to make an audience weep. I remember the camaraderie of putting on a production and the thrill of taking a bow at the curtain call. And at 62 I will get my first theatrical kiss. I will confess that at the read-through I reacted like a high school freshman at that news, all giggles and bad jokes.
Still, what a delicious dilemma. I'm still in demand. At least this time. It's been a long while since I've gotten the "We'd like to offer you the part" phone call instead of the "We decided to go in another direction, but we LOVED your audition!" e-mail, and my ego is purring like a kitten. In between panic attacks.