I don't really do "resolutions" any more. Figuring out how to do it better is something I try to start every day before I put my feet on the floor. Every day is New Year's around here. Having arrived at the age when I realize that we're not guaranteed another year, I try to take it day by day instead. My "to do" list is running on a loop, and every now and then I get to check one off. It's very exciting.
Little by little I find myself moving towards more prayer and fewer possessions. Which is probably a good direction to take with two outrageous tuitions to pay for the next three years. There are no complaints. I could be looking for money for funerals, or chemo therapy, or a million other things that people face every day. Two smart, healthy boys in college are a blessing, not a burden. Still, this just might be the year when I chip away enough at the collection of ...what IS that stuff anyway?...in my bedroom to the point where I can paint the walls, set up a reading corner and find a sanctuary in my home. It could happen. It's the age of miracles! Be safe out there tonight, everyone. There's a lot to do in 2013 and I wouldn't want you to miss a minute of it!