Please don't be impressed. It was a pathetic attempt at best. The only reason I wasn't all by myself two blocks behind everyone else was that I threatened Himself with grave bodily harm if he left me alone in the dark on the streets of South Boston, dressed like a pumpkin, while he went on ahead. Since he closes his eyes to sleep (and the rumor is that I don't) he wisely considered to slow his pace. We ran a bit less than a mile to the first bar where the group had a beer before trotting along to two more bars. Dinner was a plate of nachos covered in cheese and jalapenos. I picked off the peppers. They are a vegetable.
I was easily the oldest person in the group. There were half a dozen twenty-somethings who looked amazing in their form-fitting running gear. They talked to one another all the way along the route. They joked and chatted. While they were running. If they hadn't been so nice I would have enjoyed hating them and cursing them with my last breath, which I was convinced was imminent. Still, somehow I made it and remained as dignified as a pumpkin can be. And while I was out, my mouse pad must have been visited by a wicked witch, because as I look up I see a pile of empty Butterfinger wrappers sneering at me. More Halloween magic! Better lace up those shoes....