There is a Buddhist saying, "Be here now," which I like very much. When we let go of the past that haunts us and the future that frightens us, this very moment is not all bad. Those of us who have the privilege of being bored and not in pain don't need a lot more right this very moment. Every breath we take brings us further from the fear and closer to the cure. Admittedly, a huge number of people are not so lucky. They have the virus, or someone they love has it. Or they themselves have to go out there every day to help the rest of us keep going by providing food and healthcare and mail and gasoline, and a hundred other things, and they risk their own health to do it because they either have no choice or because they are absolute angels and heroes.
So today I will gladly take shelter from the rain and the wind and the eerily empty streets which just seem wrong. I will remind myself of the faith I have never questioned in over sixty years, and expect it to uphold me in these difficult times. But first I will take a moment to just stop and be grateful to so many for so much. And I will breathe, one precious breath at a time.