Pirates have a long history at our house. It started when Son Number One was three and Santa brought the Fisher Price Pirate Ship. Then came the Castle. The next year Santa brought Son Number Two the new and improved Pirate Ship. Then the new and improved Talking Castle. All of this, along with more toys than Macy's has in stock for Christmas, filled what would be a den in a normal house. Walking through the room was interesting, because the chance of getting hit with a flying plastic cannon ball was very high, and it didn't matter if you were family or honored guest, you were a target. At one point Himself and the boys made "pirate hard tack", which were disgusting cookies or biscuits or something made to the actual recipe that the pirates used. Happily, they left out the maggots which usually took the place of sprinkles that adorn better tasting cookies. They turned out interesting rather than tasty, and were tossed into the trash after one information seeking bite.
The ships and castles are in the attic waiting for the boys to get apartments and lives of their own. The population of little pirates and ghosts and dragons and knights are tucked into plastic boxes awaiting the next generation. There are still two small pirate flags on either side of the bay window, and my husband's toy box from his childhood, covered with 1960's pirates and ships and flags, is serving as a coffee table. We still call it "The Pirate Room".
It's another day when I miss having the boys at home. Himself is working at home today, but he doesn't have the pirate knack. His brother, who lives in Alaska, is an expert, but he's not here. So I be talkin' to meself today and missin' the bairn (who be all grown up) and realizin' how important be tradition. I be surprised every day at the silly things I be missin'! Arrrrggghh.