And as I've remarked before, that trek over the Fort Point Channel has been NASTY on some of the colder days.
But now that winter's back is broken and the crocuses are up on my front lawn, there are stirrings of life within me, and my bleak mood is starting to lift. I've even started running again and in a moment of insanity signed up for a five mile race in May. My goal is to finish it without looking up into the face of an EMT giving me oxygen or a priest giving me Last Rites.
Meanwhile, what started as putting away a few winter things turned into dragging out the silk flowers and bedecking the house with fake jonquils and forsythia. The fleeces are headed to their summer grave in the attic and the boots won't be far behind. I get to re-discover which clothes I saved from last year and which ones still fit me. The joys of a bad memory, I will be surprised by at least a third of what I find. It's like retail therapy only cheaper.
My birds are back, the days are getting longer, and I'm THIS close to opening a window. April. Bring it!