I've learned a lot while I've been out of action. I've learned how many wonderful and caring friends I have. One even showed up with home-made chicken soup and bread, tea and cookies. People have reached out via Face Book (I couldn't talk on the phone until yesterday without coughing up a lung on every third word). My husband has been a sweetheart and extremely patient, especially as my mood has deteriorated into that of some wounded ferocious animal, or maybe one of those zombie teenagers I see staggering across the television screen, ripping limbs off anyone passing, and chewing on body parts for fun. I've been much too tired to get up and find the remote to change the channel. Day time TV has been another education. It was nice to discover that I haven't been missing anything since the days when I had three monitors going at once in my office and could follow more than one soap at a time. I've learned how wonderful and supportive my current boss is, and how motherly. Which brings me to something else I've learned. I don't care how old you are, or what kind of a relationship you've had, at some point if you're sick enough, the only person you want is Mom. Now my Mom passed away two years ago, so calling her name made no sense, but it didn't stop me.
But I'm starting to feel better now. The weather is keeping me indoors and with the worst two weeks of winter in the history of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, we are about to get a foot more snow. The wind chill factor this morning was -20. I don't care. I'm going out to my acting class tonight. I may even go out for a drink afterwards. If Himself isn't home from work to drive me I'll take a cab. I'll rent a dog-sled team. But I am so OUTTA here!
Getting sick is like having a toothache. You forget how wonderful it feels not to have one until it starts throbbing. I, like most of us, take my good health for granted. Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to do that, so it's fine with me if the Deity takes a two-by-four every so often to remind me of how lucky I am. I was thrilled to put on real clothes today. I plan on a shower this afternoon (a very big deal, and a decision my fellow thespians will appreciate this evening, I'm sure). And the next time I have a friend down, maybe I'll be the one to appear with the (store-bought) chicken soup and bread. I want to be thoughtful, but I know my limitations.