I am not a good waiter. Among my many charming attributes almost no one ever mentions "patience". But throw me into a battle and I'm the one you want at your elbow. Once stuff gets real I develop an eerie calm and the pit-bull comes out. I'm short, chubby, and getting old, but I'm not afraid anymore.
I'm trying to control my outrage at the actions of Mr. Trump, advocating using drugs when he has absolutely no medical background, and in complete ignorance of the medical implications of what he's advising. There are a great many people who are showing what they are really made of. It's not all flattering. The religious leaders ignoring the self-distancing directives, the millionaires too eager to get back to business, even if it means sacrificing a large number of senior citizens, the leaders of the states who STILL haven't ordered quarantine, or who have forced people to endanger their lives to vote, they all have shown what matters to them. It's money. It's always money.
However, there are so many examples of people riding to the rescue, from Governor Cuomo to Lady GaGa, from the musicians and artists to the grocery clerks, from the exhausted medical personnel to Bob Kraft and the Patriots' private jet flying in supplies, these are the people who are worth watching. There are also people who will need to be dealt with. I hope we as a country will not forget the wonderful things some people have done through this, the sacrifices made and the courage shown. I also hope no one will forget the cowardice, avarice, and ignorance exhibited by so many politicians. I'm not afraid of dying anymore. I know I have a mission. I'll crawl to the polls in November to vote them out if necessary. I hope you will too.