There are things to do. I have given up walking because of people without masks, and horror stories on television, and, oh yeah, my own laziness. That has to change and it can change. I'll start with a 30 minute walk, rain, shine, or snow once a day. I can build on it from there. I can spend more time praying or meditating, or whatever calms me down. I can get more sleep and eat healthier food. None of this, of course, will make COVID-19 go away. Some of it will protect me. None of it will hurt me. And if I plan to continue to bring any comfort and strength to my friends and family (and I do) I can't enter the battle unarmed.
My silly Christmas tree is still lit every night and is still the talk of the neighborhood. I have shared my brilliant idea of sewing buttons on my baseball hats (just above each ear) to make my masks hurt less. And if I'm a little slower than usual getting back to those of you who reach out to me, don't worry. I'm just following my own advice and spending some time taking better care of myself. My mother was right. You can't pour from an empty kettle.