Long a fan of not listening to a thing my mother taught me, I talk to every stranger who will listen. This morning I found two lovely English ladies inside the subway trying to get to the shopping district. Upstairs was a foursome from Scotland on their way to the Freedom Trail. While I am not so hot with maps myself, I do know my city, and can point and nod with the best of them. What I hope I can also do is communicate my excitement at living in such an amazing place. I do love Boston. When Himself popped the question lo these many years ago I told him "fine".... as long as he was willing to leave New York and come back home.
New York is exciting, but it overwhelms me. Ditto London, Paris, and a bunch of other world class cities which I have visited and found fascinating. This is home. The history of the place, the red bricks, the sports teams, all of it, are dearer to me than I used to realize. And every now and then we have happy surprises like brightly painted pianos on the way to work, or AMAZING finishes to Patriots and Red Sox games on the very same night.
It's an eye-opener to be reminded that people travel to Boston from all over the world to see the sights which we take for granted. On this Columbus Day the leaves are brilliant, the sun is shining and the air is cool. And to top it off Son Number One will be home today for a few days of fall break. How lucky can a girl get? And who knows whom I'll meet on the way home?