The point here, I think, on this very rainy and gloomy autumn day, is that we all have a voice chattering endlessly in our head. When we awaken we pick the "dialogue of the day" and whether it's positive or negative is largely within our power. There are things I could choose to whine about...several relatives and friends who died too young, unemployment, the odd creak from..oh let's call it "maturity", shall we?..the election, the way people drive. You get the idea. But why would I want to do that? Nobody would want to come to my "pity party" and that includes myself. Although every now and then a really good rant that progresses to silly overkill can be very entertaining. The trick is to carry it to the point of laughter, otherwise it's a complete waste of time.
So if you started today with the wrong tape running in your head, it's not too late to change the track. Oh dear. I'm dating myself, aren't I? Nobody plays tapes anymore. Well, you know what I mean. Download the right feed or whatever the heck they do. Stop right now and look at your life and pick out the things that don't stink. Start small. And when you feel the calmness that fills your heart bring it out into the world and spread it around. Because it's getting a little crazy out there.