When I see these wonderful, talented, and delightful women, the little voice in my head says, and I paraphrase here, "Oh NUTS! She's here!" I'm not proud of it, but there you have it. When I look at those gifted ladies I do a mental rundown of their past theatrical triumphs and realize that I haven't got the prayer of a snowball in hell to get the part. Oh, once in a while I get something here or there. I played Kate Keller in Arthur Miller's "All My Sons" a few years back and it got nice reviews. And I can sing, which helps narrow the field a little. In the long run, however, I am playing with the big girls here, and I'm over my head. These ladies are so dear to me (and not the least bit stuck on themselves, any of them) that I have paid them the compliment of informing them of their membership in the O.N.C., of which, since I thought of it in the first place, I am President. Let me tell you, I didn't have to explain the concept. They all got it right away.
This rainy Sunday afternoon I have just returned from a performance of "The Savannah Disputation" which starred not one, but TWO members of the O.N.C. I had auditioned for the part of the "sweeter" sister (although I would have preferred to be the witch, but Sharon nailed that role) and got as far as the callbacks, but I lost out to Karen, who did an amazing job and really deserved the role and put a spin on it which would never have occurred to me. In a situation like that you don't so much watch the play as dissect it. I was so hoping to find a major flaw. No such luck. It was fabulous.
So, once again, my ego in tatters, but my heart full of admiration, I take off my hat to the ladies of the O.N.C. We are an amazing group. And I made Karen Vice President. Good thing we don't actually have elections. I might be out of a job there, too!