Meanwhile, as yet another storm hits the eastern seaboard of the country, we brace ourselves for more weather drama. I find myself asking questions such as: Is it too late to plant my bulbs for spring (I do so look forward to seeing those early flowers), and how late into the season do grubs live? Or are there zombie grubs that never die? It was dicey bringing in the potted plants before the first frost. God only knows what's living in that soil...I had Himself bring them in through the garage so they wouldn't have to come through the living quarters. Yuck. Although compared to the centipedes that have taken up residence in the stone foundation grubs are almost cute. I wouldn't make much of a naturalist, I guess. At least my foster cats next door are keeping the field mice at bay.
Well, no planting today at any rate! I'll wait for the gale force winds to air dry the leaves before I rake them and then we'll see what's what. But for today I think I'll put the kettle on for another cup of tea and hunker down with a book and an afghan (blanket, not dog) and dream of spring.