In polite society we're not supposed to talk about religion, politics, or sex. Well everyone seems to be blithely violating the second tabu with a vengeance, so I'm not uncomfortable with shattering the first. For those of you who don't believe in the power of prayer, I'm sorry. It happens to be real, however, so for today you will have to cope. Or skip this blog. I can tell when someone is praying for me. And if you get quiet enough, a difficult thing to do in a world like this, you will feel it when someone prays for you. So whether Romney or Obama wins, we'll be fine. And something about Dear Flanagan's passing has moved me from "believing" that our spirits don't die to absolutely "knowing" it, although I couldn't tell you why.
I don't believe in fairy tale endings. Life is probably holding another nasty ace or two up its sleeve, maybe as soon as today, so whoever you are (and I suspect there is more than one) please keep those prayers coming. They make a difference. I feel them. And I need them. We all need them. I'm sending mine up for you as you read this. Thank you.