He is a charmer, really. He has a great smile, and a kind heart. What he has done to annoy the Powers That Be is a complete mystery to me, but somewhere along the way he must have set them off. I have a few days off from both jobs and will spend the weekend doing singing "gigs", four Masses, two funerals, and a Christmas tree lighting between now and Tuesday. This is fun, and my preferred way to make money, although it won't pay the mortgage yet. The best part is that it puts me (except for the tree lighting) in a place where I can dump my problem in God's lap and hope S/He doesn't stand up. On second thought, I can (and do) do just that no matter where I am, but you know what I mean.
I once read, and I believe, that once you have a child it's like wearing your heart on the outside of your body for the rest of your life. The vulnerability is painful. There isn't a blessed thing I can do to protect them anymore except pray, and I do that, but I hold my breath until they are tucked into their beds, even if it's only while passing through from one place to another. A dear friend from Wales has arrived bringing photos and gifts and memories of my other dear friend who passed away in February and after whom we named Son Number Two. There is a picture of SNT at the age of about four, sitting on a high stool at the counter in the kitchen in Wales and laughing hysterically at something outrageous. I'm sure it was a fart joke. They usually were if they got that big a laugh. He's a physics major now and doing very well, but he still hasn't lost that sense of joy and abandon.
So, United Airlines, you'd better take care of the Joy Boy and get him home in time for turkey because Mom needs one more thing for which to be grateful, and that will be a beaut.