I don't fall back asleep once it goes off. I lie in bed, turn on my brain, and begin my morning prayers. You might think that I should be kneeling next to the bed, or at least sitting reverently, but the Deity knows the conditions of my knees and His/Her hearing is pretty good. S/He seems willing to indulge me.
There is a very precise order. I bless the immediate family and ask for their health and happiness and protection. This covers my husband, my kids, my father-in-law, my siblings and their kids, all mentioned by name. Then I move on to my litany of friends, first male, then female in a specific order so I don't forget anyone. Then it gets tricky. There are the prayers I promised for anyone with a problem or an illness. That takes a while. Then comes the list of relatives and friends who have passed away, and in addition to the usual crowd one would expect at my age, I have a depressingly long list of very young to youngish friends who have slipped away to the other side when I wasn't looking. And every so often someone gets moved from the living friends to the non-living friends and it takes weeks to get that memorized because it's a new order. Then there's the state of the world, the children in the cages, the poor, the immigrants. Well you can see this goes on for a while.
Without this routine in the morning, though, I feel as though I am not doing my part. That if anything horrible happens it's probably because I took a short cut. Because I really do believe in the power of prayer. In addition, it is a wonderful way to touch base with all the wonderful people I know. As their name comes up I will realize it's been a while since I've reached out, so I make a mental note to call or write. And for the ones who aren't here to write to anymore, it's a chance to spend a minute holding their face in my mind and feeling their love in my heart again. You wouldn't want to start a day without doing that.
It is not terribly fashionable to admit to an active prayer life, I suppose, but just as I don't think about re-charging my cell phone, this practice has become how I charge myself. It's a scary world these days (OK, it always has been) but there are also so many things for which I am grateful, and I take time to list those things, too. So by the time my feet hit the floor it's probably closer to 5:20 in the real world (or "Atomic Time" as Himself likes to say) but I feel a little less worried about many things. So what's an extra twenty minutes? Or thirty-five if you want to get technical about it?