This is the latest thing to drive me crazy. Is it safe to pick up take-out at the local place where they know my name and try not to laugh at my pathetic attempts to speak Mandarin? (Not a lot. Just useful phrases like, "How are you?" or "Thank you" or "Chill out, man!" or "Hot Guy!") Or am I better off making dawn raids at the supermarket during the "gray hours" and I refer to hair, not the color of the sky. They both seem pretty risky to me. But one of them has my favorite feast at the end.
Every decision we make must be weighed in the wake of this dangerous virus. WW (formerly "Weight Watchers") talks about mindfulness while eating. We are mindful when walking down the street, when getting the mail out of the letterbox, when dropping off a package to a friend's porch. We are mindful of the news (OK, I'm listening a whole lot less lately and feeling a whole lot better). We flood the internet with stories of kindness and generosity, or with funny memes, trying to lift our own and others' spirits, yet knowing there is nothing funny about any of this. It is deadly. And it's almost here for real. And we don't even know what "it" is yet. Not really.
I think I could cope a lot better with some Kung Pao shrimp and a fortune cookie.